Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Sometimes a Strip is just a Strip

“Cargo cults believe that Western goods or cargo, first encountered through missionaries and explorers, are created by ancestral spirits. They have been known to build airstrips in the jungles in the belief that planes would land with cargo” ---CNN.com, Nov 3, 2005 in an article about New Guinea arrests for “Sorcery”.

This particular article fascinates me. Here is a group of people who believe that God sent Cargo to the jungle to help the people of these villages. I could go on for a long time about all kinds of things.

But what truly intrigues me is; what was your first impression about this “Cargo Cult”? Was it “Those people are insane”?

Would visitors from another world think the same thing of Judeo-Christianity, Buddhism or Islam? Or would they simply smile and say, “Yes, we have also believed in Allah all along”?

That would be interesting.

Now, here’s another thing to ponder: What will happen to the people who are building this “Sacred Temple to the Gods of Thunder that Bring Forth Cargo” when they realize they are simply building a Landing Strip?

What would educating them do to them? Would there be mass suicide? Could these people live knowing that their spirits are nothing more than a conglomeration of aluminum, oil and a handful of humans just like them?

Could the rest of us?

What will happen to us as a society when –If possible- we ultimately create life in a jar? When we learn (If applicable) that life is nothing more than a mechanical function of the universe we live in?

Would it indicate that the Divine creation of life was always just a Landing Strip in disguise?

Or -more alarmingly- would we then become Gods ourselves?

Or would God stop us from being able to do this?

No matter what, we’ll know the answer soon, as this moment is hovering just on the horizon…

Something to ponder...



Blogger Aabh said...

Hmmm... I'm not following, so I wonder if I missed your statement, or if you missed mine :)

In general, I have no feeling that science excludes religious belief... In this instance I was simply wondering what will happen when we get to the stage where we can create life scientifically... Will it preclude a religious belief? Or will the religious orders simply reorganize in order to adjust?

A friend of mine on a forum (A very staunch Christian) believes that the moment we create "life in a box" (His words), life will become completely worthless.

As for the "Cargo Cult", they really do build landing strips for airplanes... and worship said strips... They also keep womens mensus because the "Bible told them there was magical power in womens' monthly cycles"... there is a lot of misunderstanding there... Strange people...

4:06 PM  
Blogger Aabh said...

Actually, yes. I have a strong feeling that someone, and not too far in the future, will generate a human being from scratch. Orginizing atoms to form cells, and then forming DNA and then forming a complete human... It may be a hundred years or so away, but I feel very strongly that we are working on it...

7:19 AM  
Blogger Aabh said...

Wow, Not a lot of faith in the Human Condition, eh Sawbones? :p

`Salright, I love ya anyway :D

So you think that our unnatural tendency toward self-destruction will outweigh out natural curiosity?

Hmmm... something I will have to go ponder :D

5:02 AM  

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