Saturday, January 19, 2008

Okay, I finally hit THAT point.

I quit.

I am getting nowhere on Japanese, everyone (Including Maia) talks rings around me and I am completely clueless.

I am getting nowhere in Kyudo, every night I go there and have the exact same problems I had the nights before... no wonder I'm not ready to test yet...


Okay, now that THAT is out of my system, it's back to the books for me. Everything should be a lot easier now that I'm no longer in my own way.

Why do we make everything so difficult for ourselves? I mean, couldn't I have just skipped this step and gone on to being an excellent Kyudo-ka and fluent in Japanese without having to throw in the towel and get the pep-talk (which, by the way, I've skipped for expediency-sake), and then return to the ring? Man, it's like we are built to live our lives like a bad 80's Karate-kid knock off...

Anyway, I'll be back in Japanese class on Tuesday and back in the dojo on Thursday, don't worry. :)

--Frusterated with language and martial arts.

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Blogger DrHeimlich said...

Well, you may not have been quite looking for a pep talk... but here it is:

It seems this is the way of learning just about anything. There are several points along the journey where you just hit a wall for a while. You're cruising, showing clear improvement and advancement for a while, and then one day -- BAM!!!! Then you're stuck in place for an eternity, certain you're never going to get better than you are now.

You can get to the other side of that, though. And I'm pulling for you.

4:02 PM  

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