Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Beating the system

for the last three years I have had a real problem with Blogger. A long time ago it detected that I was in Japan and it decided to make all of my controls in Japanese.

With some fenagling, I figured out where the language section was and managed to switch it back...

But then it decided to cycle my computer's cookies. Which means that every month or so it "forgets" that I set it for English, notices I'm in Japan, and gives me all of my controls in Japanese... again.

I have to admit this has led me to not post as much... mostly because it's a real pain to figure out what all the controls mean (Remember folks, Japanese is one of the most difficult languages to read...)

Well, somewhere along the line I started using Google documents. I uploaded many of my projects to it so I could work on them anywhere.

Well, somewhere along the line, Google bought Blogspot... so my Blog suddenly appeared in my Google Docs mainpage...

In English... :D

I just discovered that using my Google Docs mainpage I can get to my blog without having to login (Which is good, I never remember which password I used for my blog, and since "Aabh" was taken, I had to login as "Aabhnormal" or "Aabhsent" or some other name which I never remember as well). AND it's all in English... an amazing accomplishment.

In other news; I go for my 2nd degree Black Belt in Kyudo (Niidan) on Monday... It's the last test I'll be able to take here in Japan (The next test opportunity will be a month after I return to America)...

I do have stories... but I've been archiving them to my "Memories" file, where I have been putting the kids real names in -I don't want to remember them as "Genki-chan" in 10 years- but since I've been doing that, I have to convert them back to post them here...

Time until NiiDan: 6 days
Time until End of school : 4 months
Time until Return to America: 5 months

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are coming back home through Vancouver, why not make a small detour and come visit us? We're only one province over. It's a 45 minutes airplane ride, if I remember correctly. :-)

-- Mal.

8:50 AM  
Blogger Aabh said...

We are going to visit you whether you like it or not... Maybe not on the way home, though. :D

7:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome! We'll get the guest bedroom all ready!

Just tell me in advance when you are coming. These days I am booking work stuff about 3-4 months in advance. It's dumb, but that's the way it is.


1:15 PM  

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