Friday, July 10, 2009

About visiting people in Denver...

I didn't actually get to post this: For those of you we missed while we were in Denver:

We wanted to see all of you! But there were some very annoying factors:

We didn't rent a car; we rented a moving truck which got 2 gallons to the mile and had some alarming penalties if we went over our allotted milage... Besides it was a beast to drive...

We were only there for three days and had to clean out our stuff from 4 locations... and go to Jessica's graduation (Did I mention that little Jess... Jessinator... NADER-CHAN graduated?!?!? From High School!??!?!?!?).

We were staying at James' apartment... but without James (He got deployed), so we didn't want to trash his place with a party or what-not.

But most important: I was very swamped with moving back and getting everything organized. I simply dropped the ball and failed to organize a party. That's the real thing. It ended up being a slapped-together thing. But that wasn't a "I don't love you" thing! Honest!!!


We are coming back for the convention in September. We want to see everyone at that time! :D We'll plan it so we are there longer than just the convention so we CAN see everyone. Anyway, I hope that makes up for the not-seeing-folks-because-we-are-doofi problem :D


On a side note:

Mal, I think you are absoluetly right about remembering how different the world is in Japan and here. It's a good idea: I wrote a lot of this down in my memories file in order that I won't forget :D


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