Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Tis the Season

I normally have to sleep with a radio on (I’m a light sleeper, and if there isn’t a constant noise, then I wake up every time the building settles), and generally I have a cadre of radio stations that I switch to hoping to find the one that has the least amount of commercials that scream in the middle of the night.

But, I am noticing, it’s become the season where my choices are getting markedly limited… and not because of commercials…

Because of Christmas music.

Two of my stations are now 24/7 Christmas music stations… I’m left with the two Public radio stations and one “Normal” radio station.

It’s not even December… One of the stations was holding a contest for their listeners to “Guess” when they were going to be 24/7 Christmas music…

November 15…

The problem I have is that as I grow older, I start to get a little more bitter toward Christmas every year… the luster is wearing thin... very thin.

I’m not a Christian, so the Christ part of Christmas is really a non-issue…

Which just leaves Mas…

Mass purchasing, Masses in the malls, Masses of commercials urging me to buy everything I can and give it to my loved ones to prove to them that I love them… Mass Hysteria…

Which isn’t what Christmas is all about.

But that’s what is left…

Oh, and Christmas music… 24/7.



Blogger Aabh said...


That was awesome! :D

I had to call Dad and G and tell them that story (Since they don't really read my blog...)

Mal, give Franke a hug for me, that was definitely a priceless gem on his part :D

3:09 PM  
Blogger Aabh said...

It's all because we love you, Mal... :D

And as the old adage goes; "You always abuse the ones you love... cause they can't leave you easily"


11:51 AM  

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