Sunday, May 21, 2006

A bad sign...

Okay, here's the game:

_ 1 _ 2 _ 3 _ 4 _ 5 = 2

Now, using only "+" and "-" to replace the "_"s, make that a true statement.

Mr. Language Arts gave that to me during lunch today after one of our science teachers gave it to him...

He and I are STILL working on it... (Actually, I believe Mr. Language Arts gave up just as I was leaving today... but Mr. Teacher Leader took it over and was working intensely on it as I walked out the door...

Shane, James, Mal? You guys are the heavy number crunchers here, got any ideas?

Tio Pat? Got any tricks up your sleeve for this one?

I think the Science Teacher has us beat...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

This has to be a trick...the solution must involve manipulating the original order or inserting some combination of "+" and "-".

I give up...can't wait to find out the solution!


2:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Success.....Backwards ...forward..any combination plus or minus..won't
work....either the info is incomplete or you did this to drive us crazy...Success.

10:59 AM  
Blogger Aabh said...

Spot on, Mal. :)

I had a note on my desk when I got in this morning, it read (In Japanese):

"Odd + Odd numbers= Even numbers, Even + Even numbers= Even numbers, Odd + Even numbers= Odd numbers Thus, this is impossible. Also, I posed this to the 2nd years, they are still working on it. Sincerely, Science Teacher."

Mr. Language Arts and I both felt suitably duped... Mr. Science Teacher grinned and alerted us that we should be better at math...

Well, thanks anyways, Andi, Tio Pat, Mal... I wish I could give you an answer to this other than "Here's a lesson in Mathematics..."

4:50 PM  

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