Saturday, August 04, 2007

Perspective (Part two)

I go into McDonalds;

"I would like a Grilled chicken salad, please. And I'd like Ceaser Dressing." I say, in Japanese.

"Oh," Says the girl behind the counter, "We don't have Ceaser Dressing. We only have Creamy Ceaser Dressing."

I look at her like she has grown a second head.

Then it occurs to me, these are English words, and Sheezaa (Ceaser) and Kuriimiisheezaa (Creamy Ceaser) are two completely different things... mostly because the words are completely baseless in Japanese.

It would be like saying, "This cup is full of Snergle"... then three weeks later being told, "We are replacing Snergle with Fastilliosnergleopolis" Would you know that they were the same thing?

I wouldn't...

But man, did that throw me for a loop...

--Muching on a salad with Kuriimisheezah dressing on it...


Blogger ModernSpartan said...

I'm not sure that Uncle Julie Caesar would be pleased that the children of the rising sun do not remember his dressing with the proper reverence!

Or, as Rocky and Bullwinkle may have said, "When in Tokyo, eat Sushi."

Have a good weekend!!!!!!


1:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Next time order Thousand Island...then try to explain that's what they put on the big Mac..then just tell them ....nevermind...stay away from McDonalds...sage advice...Tio

12:37 AM  

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