Monday, March 06, 2006

*FWOO FWOO* Is this thing on?

....And one of the more difficult things I have ever done...

Well, good. The test to see if I can add pictures (an Important feature if you folks want to keep up with me...) is completed and successful! Woo Hoo!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice, but sad... I look forward to seeing pics of temples & stuff whenst you get situated. Pretty soon you'll be leaving drab Texas.

5:07 AM  
Blogger Aabh said...

That sign indicates the beginning of my journey. Here I am biding my time, just in a holding pattern... But on Friday, I begin my true large adventure :)

I miss you guys, though.

2:48 PM  
Blogger Hanan30 said...

Alright Mal, I know you didn't mean anything by it, but thems 'r' fightin' words! "ALMOST as pretty as Vermont"?!? I'll chalk this momentary lapse of ignorance up to you being a Kanook and all, because there ain't no other state as beautiful as Colorado!!!! :)

11:39 AM  
Blogger Aabh said...

Woah... sibling rivalry 0.o

Hey Mal, I know you are busy and all, but I am sending a package your way via dad... I hope the addy you gave me is the correct one, cause it's going there :D

This was fun! Okay, new Blog post time! :D

9:40 AM  
Blogger Hanan30 said...

Well, you guys may have the Rockies up there, and I'm sure they're beautiful, but I still don't think it would compare to Colorado, with the combination of the plains and the mountains. I've heard Vermont is beautiful, and I'm now going to have to go up there to check it out, but I can still pretty much guarantee that it doesn't live up to Colorado. :) I'm sorry, but there have been songs written about Colorado...songs that are still internationally-known to this day...songs beyond just our state song! I can't think of any about Vermont....I think that proves my case conclusively! :)

But it's've not been there, so you've not yet been trapped by its magic. One day, though.... :D

8:33 AM  
Blogger Aabh said...


Sheesh... ;D

Love ya both! :D

3:02 PM  
Blogger Hanan30 said...

Heck yeah! Bro's need to be ganged up on once in a while...Well, I'll be willing to take this up again after we've been to the respective states...I have a feeling you'll be rendered speechless by Colorado's beauty, though...I'll take the silence as agreement. :)

10:12 PM  

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