Monday, April 03, 2006

Anatomy of an Earthquake...

Well, it's official; I have now been through an earthquake. Not a big one (In fact, it didn't even register enough to be on the news), but an earthquake nonetheless. my apartment shook and things shifted.

I felt it coming, the "P" waves are smaller than the "S" waves that follow... The worst part is that when the "P" waves hit, I knew it was going to get worse, and since the "P" waves were pretty big...

There is a special sort of scared you become as you wait for the bigger waves to hit... you know they are coming... but you don't know how big they'll be...

I'm so not prepared for earthquake country... I sat in my chair, with Serenity playing on my DVD player, and I watched the ceiling... I didn't (As you are supposed to do), go stand in my doorway... I was really more fascinated by the whole thing...

Fascinated and terrified... this is an act of Nature that I have never experienced before...

But then it passed... and Joss was stll talking about Serenity, and the lights were still on, and the rain still fell, and the building didn't...

Yet another adventure in the land of the Rising Sun...



Blogger DrHeimlich said...

I think I read somewhere that Colorado actually has more earthquakes than an other U.S. state... it's just that they're all so ridiculously minor (we're talking like "2" on the Richter Scale) that no one would ever know.

So technically, you've been through TONS of earthquakes. ;-)

2:19 PM  

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