Wednesday, May 24, 2006

No wonder we all live in fear...

The PTA here is much like the PTA in the US, the squeeky wheel gets the grease... Which means we all work from that one parent that is never happy...

I swear it must go something like this:

Parent stands up: "We have been hearing that our children are having fun in English class. That has us a little concerned. I mean, what about all those other children who are suffering in their English classes. Also, is your Japanese class fun? What about the Math class? Are the children having fun there? I didn't think so. Is it really fair to make English stand out like that? Is it fair to the children? What about High School? Is English fun in High School? I think we are setting our children up to have a terrible fall when they enter High School... And think of all the work they go through only to find out that High School isn't as fun as your English class... Is that really fair?

"Also, we are Japanese. We have been suffering in school since before history began. It is what builds our character and makes us good members of society. Remember that Junior High School isn't for learning, it's for making good members of society. We want English to be a torture chamber of unhappiness. Please tell your teachers to stop having fun..."

Okay, so that hasn't happened yet... but I wouldn't put it beyond them... We actually have had the PTA complain about foreigners teaching in school (Luckily, not MY PTA... but it has happened in other schools), which, I guess, resulted in the loss of the contract and the teacher being removed from the school... simply because he was a foreigner...

Kinda Scary...



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