Wednesday, September 05, 2007


So I drop into school yesterday and my PE teacher says: "Well, things might be a little strange schedule-wise... there's a typhoon coming, after all..."
"Really?" I say... because I've been reading the news all weekend and I had heard nothing about this...
So I go over to the schools computer... I check CNN, I check Fox... I check MSNBC... nada... a whole bunch about Felix... but a Typhoon hitting Japan? Naw... it must be a funny story.
After 10 minutes of searching, I come across the Japanese National Weather Service which has issued warnings for Tokyo... Tokyo. Now I could understand if it was hitting some low-lying islands in the lower chain or something... but this thing is hitting Tokyo... (And then, going North to hit us dead on... isn't that nice)... And no one is talking about it... Well... no one in America.
It's more important to concentrate on Panama I guess...
Anyway, My school has already decided to move Sports Day practice into the gym tomorrow... while the Typhoon is here...
Like Earthquakes, the Japanese just aren't that worried...
Maybe it's nothing to be worried about... I'm from Colorado... we don't have Hurricanes there... so all I know is what I see on TV... and they don't look like a walk in the park...
I sorta think I should gather my flashlights and huddle... but I think I am expected to be at work...
So if you need me, I'll be driving in it... which is better than my kids, who'll be riding their bikes in it...
--Wanting to huddle...


Blogger DrHeimlich said...

Having lived in Virginia Beach for nearly six years, I'll give you this painfully obvious bit of "wisdom": hurricanes are nothing until they're everything.

By which I mean this: I lived through I believe four hurricanes, including Isabel, which packed a pretty powerful punch. But most hurricanes just amount to a stiff breeze. If you're not a complete and total moron, they're nothing to worry about. Stock up on some supplies intelligently, don't go outside or do anything else patently stupid, and a hurricane is generally nothing to worry about.

...except of course on the rare occasions when they are -- exhibit A: Katrina. (Although, one could easily argue that much of the damage there would also be an exhibit of my "don't do anything stupid" clause -- though in this case, at a government level.)

If the people around you aren't worried, you shouldn't be either. They'd have a completely different vibe if a "big one" were on the way.

But still... get some candles and/or flashlight batteries. Get some drinking water. Get some canned food. Be prepared, and don't be stupid. You'll be fine.

11:45 AM  
Blogger Aabh said...

Thank you, my friend! :D

I have done as you recommended!

Now I shall, too, learn what the force of nature called... "Typhoon" will be like...

And I'm locking my door.

4:58 PM  

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