Thursday, February 14, 2008

One Demon down...

I've been struggling since November to break a personal barrier.

The content of this barrier really isn't important, but the barrier itself is.

For many, many years I have struggled against myself to complete projects that I start. I have a wealth of good ideas and I never seem to finish them. As I grow older and mature, my ideas seem to be maturing as well (As in, they are starting to sound better... less... erm... "stupid").

I love telling stories, and writing, and have done both since I was in Junior High. I have written stories with my friends and have involved myself in writing challenges with them as well. I'm not particularly an incredible writer, nor really an excellent artist. But I consider myself servicable at both tasks, which is a useful combo...

The problem was; I never managed to complete these projects. If the project went on too long, I'd ultimately lose interest and give up.

But I finally did it.

After 20 years of struggling, I managed to finally complete a cycle. The first Tamerlane comic is now done. Not only that: I managed to release it only two minutes late (The standing tradition with the Fan community is to release their fan works at the time of the registration numbers of the ship, in this case: 5:10PM... it's stupid, I aknowledge that... but sometimes its fun to do stupid things... one could say this entire project is stupid... and since I can't ever sell it, one might be right...).

As I said earlier: don't judge it on it's content. I'm not so much a Star Trek geek that I can only write Star Trek fan fiction, this just happened to be the first project I managed to complete (Ironically, this is also the first Fan Fiction thing I've ever written in 20 years...). I'm going to finish out this story and then, taking all the experience from this project, I'm going to move on to my own stories (And provided this continues, complete them!). Besides, the comic itself could be about naked cats dancing in the rain and I'd still be posting here about this success. What it is isn't even remotely as important as what it signifies; I can complete a project, long term, start to finish.

For those interested in reading said book, you can find it over on my Tamerlane website:

Anyway, if you've been wondering where I went; I haven't forgotten my blog, I just know that if I go onto the web, I lose about 1 or 2 hours surfing the various forums and posting and stuff... and as I approached my personal deadline for this comic I couldn't afford to lose those precious hours...

So, I'll be posting back here now that I'm done devoting so much time to a silly fan comic... Well, until issue 2... but that's not going to start until May...

next: Naked Dancing Cats in the Rain- the comic.



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Anonymous Anonymous said...


Completion can be quite the challenge.


11:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You've come a long way in your artwork, Guy. Even someone as unartistic and amateurish and I can recognize that.

Can't comment on the actual comic content because I couldn't read it on this screen. I'll have to take another look once I'm home.

But like James said, YEAY for you! You did it!

I'll try to catch you on Skype one of these days, and maybe I could convince you to look and see what Maia is doing these days with my smiley face...? I'm attending a conference at the end of this month and we were hoping to have the business cards by then. But, you know, no pressure. :-)

9:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Now you just need to do the same for the rest of the issues and move on to other things... Like "Letters Home" and "Legend of Innocence."

But I have faith in you, and know you can do it!

8:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'll have something drawn for you by the end of tomorrow. Unfortunately, I had a comissioned painting due today and, predictably, I procrastinated. I'll work on yours this evening and mail it off to Guy, so he can get it to you.

Sorry about the delay...


11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Maia! The only deadline that I have is that conference next week. If the cards aren't ready by then, I'll just think of something else, but having them would simply be convenient. Can't wait to see what you came up with!

-- Mal.

4:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, so a little later than I said, but the files are in Guy's mailbox (with the idea that he'll send them on to you...). I hope ya like them!

Unloaxg- Moving companies that are Extra Good! (lame... sad maia...)

4:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Maia! Can't wait to see it!

Hope Guy gets home soon. :-)

6:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Didja get it? I know Guy's been having email trouble- if you didn't get the pictures, I can send them again.


1:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maia, can you resend it?

I think that Guy and Franke talked on Skype one night (when I was already asleep) and Guy sent it. Franke says that he remembers seeing it, but now he can't find it in any of his email accounts.

You can send it to:
malgosia42 at gmail dot com

I'll be sure to get it. And I'm waaaaaay more organized than the two guys in both of our lives.

8:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got them! Thanks! They look awesome. I even printed one out to see what it would look like. My secretary picked it up as it came out of the printer and got a huge smile on her face (because it is not often that smiley faces come out of our printer, usually it's just boring referral letters).

Anyway, we will look at them some more once at home tonight and I'll let you know which one we end up picking!

Thank you thank you thank you!

8:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you like them! And glad to have given some joy to your secretary :) Let me know if you have any other projects like this, I had fun working on these.

2:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Maia,

After much discussion and having had several people involved, we have chosen Coloured Pencil #2 design as our business logo! Yeay!

We'll use it as is on our business cards (in full living colour), but we will take the liberty to tweak some things so that it looks slightly better in a white-and-black version (which will be on our stationary, etc.)

We were also thinking, if you have any art work that you think might be appropriate for a medical office waiting room or exam room (I always need something fun to put on the ceiling too for those oh-so-much-loved-Paps), send it our way! :-)

3:24 PM  

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