Okay... I am becoming rather concerned about this;
A week or so ago I received this chain mail from my Aunt (Whom I love dearly... This needs to be said because I think I reacted rather strongly in my reply and I don't want her to think I hate her in any way...)
Anyway, here we go:
U. S. "no longer a Christian Nation"
Please send this on to your friends, spend time each day in prayer for our country, and get out and vote in November.
Dear Friends,
As I was listening to a news program last night, I watched in horror as Barack Obama made the statement with pride. . ."we are no longer a Christian nation; we are now a nation of Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, . . . As with so many other statements I've heard him (and his wife) make, I never thought I'd see the day that I'd hear something like that from a presidential candidate in this nation. To think our forefathers fought and died for the right for our nation to be a Christian nation--and to have this man say with pride that we are no longer that. How far this nation has come from what our founding fathers intended it to be.
I hope that each of you will do what I'm doing now--send your concerns, written simply and sincerely, to the Christians on your email list. With God's help, and He is still in control of this nation and all else, we can show this man and the world in November that we are, indeed, still a Christian nation!
Please pray for our nation!
First of all, (And I'm not reaching into that "old tired bag") The First Ammendment protects freedom of religion for a reason. Britian wanted everyone to be one religion, everyone paid taxes to the church and the church had POWER. A lot of power.
Anyway, Thomas Jefferson was a Deist, George Washington excised religion from the government. We aren't a Christian nation. In fact, 25% of us are Non-Christian. And that number increases every year. We should never be thought of as Christian. It's not fair to the non-Christian community.
Now, according to CNN there will be Muslim ads running on busses. This is cool. But... um... hey there are protests? Why? Jesus Saves? Why can't we hear a little about what Mohammed did?
I know, the claim is that the man behind it is a terror suspect... but good gracious, guys EVERYONE is a terror suspect these days! You guys are searching and detaining your own government officials at the airport and strip searching them. You don't know who is a terror suspect anymore. Heck, in writing this blog, I'll become a terror suspect (When I won't even kill a fly in my apartment... but, heck, I have nothing better to do than be interrogated after a 15 hour flight... come to think of it, that's got to be much more effective than Chinese Water Torture...).
Naw, this is more "If you aren't Christian, you are bad." Beeswax.
By the way, Nation of Islam, you're not doing much better, here. I encourage learning about all religions... but simply having the word "Infadel" means there is something majorly wrong with your dietical logic.
Consider: You have two sons. You leave cryptic post-it notes on the fridge about what the boys should do. Sometimes you leave the post-its in their rooms, disguising your handwriting so it isn't clear who wrote it. Then you stand back and watch as they knife each other to death?
That's not my idea of God. And it shouldn't be the world's view, either. I'm not sure why it seems to be.
Anyway, again; get your facts straight guys, stop painting the other guy as bad because even though he's a pretty hard-core Christian he is not Christian enough because he doesn't hate Muslims.
Yes, we are a nation of Christians and Muslims and Jews and Wicca and Athiests and Agnostics and Native Americans and all kinds of varied and differing opinions.
And, trust me, unless you guys really want a Holy War the likes of which you can never imagine, then you probably want it to stay that way.
God's Children knifing it out over whom Dad likes best...
Einstein said; "I don't know what World War III will be fought with, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
The world is a religious powderkeg, guys... It's dangerous mixing politics and religion...
I completely agree. Our American forefathers fought and died for freedom of religion, not a universally Christian Nation.
Hi! btw
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