Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Disturbing... in many ways...

So, I was casually reading the news on CNN when I noticed the top story (This was a couple of days ago, mind) about a man being charged for killing his wife while scuba diving in Australia.

Okay, so that's interesting, but it comes with this picture:

The caption under the picture reads: Tina Watson (background right) lies motionless after she drowns during the couple's honeymoon in Australia.
I think "Ah... that's really.... wait a minute! That's an AP photo! What the heck was an AP photographer doing?"
"Excuse me, I'm with the Associated Press, don't mind me, I'll just be swimming along with you just in case you should try to murder your wife..."
What in the heck was this person doing? And, while we are at it, what is the guy in the foreground doing? "This woman is dying or dead, hey! Picture for the Daily News? Cheeeeeez!"
This picture is truly bizzare.
Now, the file is listed as art.ap.scuba.... So, maybe it's an artist rendition... which would be nice... but if it isn't... boy... woah...
No matter which way you put it -provided it isn't an artist rendition- this is a bad sign... I just remember Bob Sagat during the old "America's Funniest Home Videos" segment after all those parents would film their kids falling from the roof and keep filming as the kid squirms in pain....:
"If something bad happens: Put Down The Camera, and get help."
At least that other dude is trying to get to her...



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