Saturday, August 12, 2006

Dragonfly Alight

This dragonfly just sat there, waiting for me to take it's picture. I even managed to get within 4 feet of it. It never moved, but rather just waited for me to take this picture.

We were at a temple in Toride, a rather large town near Tokyo.

You know, my mother was very fond of dragonflies. She adorned much of her office with pictures of dragonflies, I'm pretty sure that they were very high on her medicine wheel.

I didn't really think of it before, but dragonflies never stay still for long (They are, after all, food for many creatures). This one stayed on this flower for 45 seconds, poised, long enough for me to get the "perfect shot".

It was a very spiritual place, this Buddhist temple.

If you'll forgive a little "Spiritual Hoo-Haw", I'd like to believe that this was a little message from mom.

Hi mom...



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