Monday, July 31, 2006


So... it's July 31 here... but it's still July 30th in Houston... Am I 34 years old yet? Or am I still 33? If I go and have Birthday doughnuts, would that be considered premature?

I feel like this is a Steven Wright monologue...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! Regarless of the day, I would say celebrate!

However, if we are thinking of birthday semantics... I would have to say that your physical body's age would be tied to the location in which that body came to life. Therefore, . . . wait for it. . . nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnow, you're 34. Happy Birthday!

-Andi :-)

11:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Sobrino
I would love to say we toasted a few in your honor last weekend...well I'd like to say it.
You have many readers, and I really enjoyed meeting Andi last weekend. Debra and I realllly enjoy your blog and at least one of your Aunts reads all the time(she got her masters at OU so writing is still a problem know what I mean?) Looking forward to seeing and reading the way...nice dress, good sensible shoes....but the beauty standing next to you steals the show...sorry.
amor Tio

10:34 AM  

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