Friday, July 21, 2006

Happy MoonDay!

37 years ago today Apollo 11 touched down on the surface of the Sea of Tranqulity.

(Note: My Blog is set to Japan time. It's still the 20th in America)

So, I'm wishing a Happy MoonDay to all of my family!

This also marks the first day of my summer vacation! :)

I have been absent, I've been really rather busy. But! Now I'm on vacation, so I can fill you in on my exploits.

Anyway, First MoonDay! Happy MoonDay one and all!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Moonday to you! Sorry I missed your call, but it was at 4:50pm, when I would have still been at work, normally...

But I was in Boulder with the N-Man.

4:06 AM  
Blogger Aabh said...

Well, we get 41 days in August (July/August), mostly, I'm told, because the schools don't have Air Conditioning, and at the temperatures that these buildings run, it's actually rather hazardous to be in the building during those months... We get 15 days in winter, but it's not Christmas break, sometimes it includes Christmas, sometimes it doesn't (It's designed for new Years). Then we get 1 week in March/April for changing of the school year.

Japanese School years run from April 1st-ish through March somethingth... :)

Okay, lunch time! :D

1:13 PM  

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