Thursday, July 27, 2006

Not really sure...

I'm sorry about the not posting thing... I was kinda getting the impression that folks weren't reading my blog...

It's interesting, this blog is, in and of itself, a very tiny microcosm of the publishing process. I write things to be read (Although, to be honest, I also write these things to be remembered). I write for the entertainment of the readers (Which is true, and why I try not to ramble on aimlessly).

But I have no idea what that readership is...

It's not that I need readers, certainly. I set up this blog so that I wouldn't have to tell the same story over and over and over (Ultimately embellishing it until it is completely unrecognizable as the original situation) :)

But I've noticed that my perception of how many people read my blog is less than 10... but Gia seems to think there are far more than that...

I feel rather shocked at this thought...

Anyway, the long and the short of this is; I haven't been posting because I rather thought no one was reading the blog anymore... However, LaVonne just emailed me and made the comment that she had noticed I hadn't posted in quite a while... so I still have at least one reader (And, I presume, many others), so I am being rather derilict in my duties! :D

So, back to the stories! And apologies for the slow-down! :D



Blogger DrHeimlich said...

I read it!

One of the things about blogging is that you have to do it, believing your readers are out there, because they won't always comment.

Also, they won't read stuff the day you post it either. (Case in point, this very post.) That's because if you train your readers to know that you don't post every day, they won't come by to read every day.

If you need a little more assurance of your readership's existence, I suggest you get one of the free web hit counters. There's a good one at, for example.

12:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read! I read! I read!

Matter of fact I was just talking to Pat last night about how much we enjoy reading your blog.

I look forward to your tales...please don't stop!


6:20 AM  
Blogger Aabh said...

Thanks guys. Actually, this post sounds like I wanted to quit, but in reality, I was apologizing for not posting regularly... :)

I'm certainly not going to stop :D

8:12 AM  

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