Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Be very careful...

This weeks grammar point in the 3rd years was "Would you (Verb) with me?" As in "Would you play basketball with me?" We are moving into the more polite parts of the language.

So after the lesson on the grammar, Mrs. Third Year puts them onto asking each other (And this always means me too as I wander around letting them ask me questions to practice) questions.

I get to a lovely young lady who looks at me with all earnestness and says:

"Would you sleep with me?"

I raise my eyebrows in the classic "Are you sure you wanted to say that?" pose...

Then her face gets all contorted and she says in Japanese: "No, not "sleep"... um... what is the word..."

I wait patiently for her to fish out what word she was thinking of, being extremely careful not to show any adverse reaction to her question (They -my students- have been trying to figure out what really bothers Guy-sensei, I know that if I let on what this girl really said... I'd never hear the end of it...).

"WALK!" She suddenly exclaims, "Would you walk with me?"

I nod, giving her the "You did it right" thumbs up, and move along... trying very hard not to chuckle...

Walk... sleep... it's interesting that these two words, being used in normal English, are, indeed rather interchangeable (It's a lot harder to remember verbs when you learned all of them at the same time... and it should be noted these kids aren't learning these words with the activity attached, no one asks them how they slept or if they are going for a walk...), but add the level of nuance, and it becomes a bizarre innuendo in a big hurry.

Just another day at MySchool...



Blogger DrHeimlich said...

Catastrophe averted. Well done.

3:24 AM  

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