Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Essence of Japan

Toride (Toh-ree-day) city, the same city as the dragonfly below, on the same day (Though markedly later in the evening). We passed under a track with this long-distance train (tokkyu) waiting at a red light for the tracks to clear.

Japan lives and dies by the train. There are trains everywhere, some (Like this one) Are Densha (Electric Trains, you can tell by the "scissor" frame that sticks up from the cars and touches the suspended wires). Others, usually further out from Tokyo, are Diesel (Ressha). But millions upon millions of Japanese (And a spatttering of us foriegners :D), travel these trains every day. Japan has one of the best public transportation systems in the world.

Some trains still wait at red lights, though... and thus I get to take pictures you wouldn't normally see. :)



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