Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Mutated Girls

I have discovered the dirty little secret of my school:

A cosmic radiation wave struck my school in late 2001 or early 2002...

Or maybe it was that radioactive spiders bit only the girls during that period...

Perhaps it was that secretly all of the girls were replaced with aliens at that moment in time...

Whatever the deal was, something changed the girls in my school... because, unlike all the other Japanese schools, my girls are super-with it...

and my boys are asleep.

You see, I have felt rather bad that I seem to know the names of 15 or 18 girls, and only 2 boys... I actually was beginning to wonder if I was favoring my girls more or if it happened to be my stunningly good looks and movie-star-like personality (Ahem...).

It turns out that it is not me, it is indeed that there is something strange about my school.

I was talking to Mr. Second Year about this and he noticed it too... We had just selected our entries for the English Interactive Forum (Competition) that will be taking place in a month...

And we have seven girls and two boys.

We will likely lose one of the boys before all is said and done, leaving us with seven girls and one boy... (We can only enter eight students)

I don't know what caused it, but I discovered when it happened...

You see, in our entrance hall, we have the portraits of our Kendo and Baseball teams up on the walls. The portraits are yearly dating back to 1993. I was looking at the Kendo club pictures (Naturally), and I noticed something odd.

In 1993-2000 there were mosly boys with a single girl or maybe two token girls...

in 2001 there Kendo team was all boys.

Then, in 2002, the Kendo team was 8 girls and 3 boys.

From there on out it's been 50/50

See? There! No, right there! In 2002! The girls mutated!

I think that's where it all happend... I don't know what "that" exactly is, but it happened then.

Anyway, I have extra-mutated girls... but they are pretty darned cool...



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