Thursday, July 06, 2006

Interaction is Key

So, I'm really swamped these days because next Wednesday is this area's Interactive Forum.

What is Interactive Forum, you ask?

I'm glad you did! The Interactive Forum is where Junior High children from all over gather to speak English at each other... If they are lucky, they'll even understand it...

But I think mostly they'll just be speaking at each other...

Unless they run into my girls!


Well, okay, so I'm getting a little ahead of myself. The forum is a great idea, students are pitted against each other and they have to hold a conversation in English. Not tell speaches, but hold a real conversation.

I have a team of 7.5 girls (There is a theoretical 8th girl... but she hasn't really shown up but once) four of them are second years and 3.5 of them are third years.

Ms First Year was involved heavily in the beginning, telling me that certain things were too difficult for the second years and the like.

I took great pleasure in placing all of the girls together after Ms. First Year left. Now my second years have been training with my third years and at the third years' level.

My third years are... well, third years. Which means they are more profecient than my second years... but they are so TEENAGER-y... and they aren't as much into the practice... So (Again), my second years are taking up the slack.

I hope I'll do great this year. But honestly, I have never done one of these before (I'm a judge, too! I love this job... I owe Troy so much for improv... I have never tap-danced so much in my life) And so I have no idea how well we will do.

But next year, my girls are SO going to kick major butt (Because this years' second years will be third years :D)

Anyway, that's why you aren't hearing much from me. I'm staying after school a lot working with the girls.

I promise, after next Sunday, it'll be blogsness as usual around here! :D



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