Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Endlish part one

Some great things written on papers that I have graded:

On a first year spelling test: "Speak": Spit, Spark, Spock (I loved that one, completly out of the blue), and Kret (No clue where he was getting that from). There was also one "Hanasu" (Japanese for "Speak" written in English)

Also on that test:

"Are you Ms. Goon?"
"He is my fraft"
"Is this a Scoty?"

One of my kids actually has "Engrish" written on her English file folder ("Engrish" is the word used to describe English words printed on products here because "they look cool". They rarely make sense, however and are often hilarious)

I shall call these wonderful works of art, Endlish, as was printed on yet another of my second years' file folders.

And this concludes my massive Blog update for the night. I have more, but I'd like to give you folks time to digest these posts first.



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