Wednesday, September 20, 2006


This one'll get your blood going, Mal;

Mr 2nd year, whom has become a real good friend of mine, was talking to me yesterday. It turns out he and I both have something unfortunate in common; Insomnia.

His is more pronounced than mine, he also has narcolepsy it turns out... and he is having difficulty staying awake at work.

I talk to him and he tells me that his doctor has put him on medication for his sleep condition. That's good, I think, as he is obviously not getting REM sleep.

His doctor put him on Ritalin.

I'm not kidding. Ritalin, to keep him awake.

Not a sleeping pill to put him to sleep, but rather a stimulant to keep him awake.

It's very much a telling thing, Japan has banned Melatonin, most sleeping pills, and Aspirin is expensive and can only be purchased from a pharmacist. The Japanese aren't into pills like we are in America... which, I actually think is a good thing...

But this man is not sleeping well... and so they put him on stimulants?!?

It tells something about this culture; many Japanese are afraid of sleeping pills... not because they are addictive, but because they might accidentally oversleep and miss work...

What a telling statement of this culture...



Blogger Aabh said...

No, Actually, we talked about ADHD, and he said he simply wasn't. He doesn't act like someone with ADHD, either.

To boot, he's been on Ritalin for a while now and he still can't sleep...

6:22 PM  

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