Thursday, September 14, 2006

I belong to a Dojo...

Mother believed that things happen for a reason. She also believed firmly that when things happen and they are right, you will know because many things will "fall into place".

I practiced Kyudo in Colorado. Kyudo is Japanese Zen Archery. It is a martial art, like Karate or Judo, but it is very different. It's an art chock full of ritual and practice and is nothing like (As one might imagine) American archery. The goal is to do it correctly, not to hit the target (Though that is in there somewhere).

When I started Kyudo in America, I really enjoyed it. It is a martial art unlike any other, it is beautiful to watch. It's like Japanese Tea Ceremony (Which is also phenominally beautiful to watch).

When my Sensei and I parted ways, I thought my Kyudo days were at an end.

I was wrong.

Mrs 1st year Social Studies and I were talking (Roughly because she doesn't speak any English at all) and I told her about my teacher in America and how I really loved Kyudo.

"My husband teaches Kyudo." She tells me.

"Really, he's lucky." I say

"Come to our house at 7PM on Thursday" she tells me (Tells me... not asks me)

So I do.

I show up and meet Mr.Kyudo, he is a wonderfly cheerful fellow in his mid 60's. He smiles, greets me and he starts asking me questions; where are you from? What do you like about Kyudo? What Rank were you? (For the record; Zero rank... none at all :D). Then a student joins, and another and another... and two more a little later on.

Then that was all.

There were five students before the night was over. And they all agreed to let me into the Dojo... I am their sixth.

There is a young lady in her late 20s, a young man in his 20s, both are 4th Dan (which means about 10 years), there is a fellow in his late 40s, who is (Thankfully) a High School English teacher, and another man in his 50's, who is a Japanese teacher, lastly there is another beginner, about my age. Who has just begun and is still considered Zero Dan.

Then there is the teacher.

He hands me a book, in English, called "Kyudo". I'm very familiar with this book, it is one of my treasured books back at home.

My teachers' master wrote it.

My teacher has won several national tournements... and is ranked in the top 10 in the nation.

I belong to a Dojo...

I believe that I am in the right place at the right time.



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