Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I'm living in the 1950's

And it really is wierd:

MyTown looks like it could easily be from Leave it to Beaver, the streets are cute and lined with shops, and there is ample room to bike everywhere. Housing is different, but this is Japan.

All of my science teachers wear white lab coats. There is no Air Conditioning except in certain areas (The Teacher's Room, the Nurses Office and the Principals Office). I don't think there is any heating, either, and though not a problem for me, I can see this being an issue for my students.

All of my kids are relatively nice, we have had one fight all year and it has been between two boys over a bike. They think the most risky thing to do is to ask teachers if they are married.

Gas Stations close at 8PM, the Pharmacy closes at 6, and my entire city closes at midnight.

Kids cycle by you and greet you.

Old ladies offer you cookies while you are waiting for a bus.

There are no dryers, we hang our laundry out to dry outside our houses.

Police officers only show up at our school to give kids a "Bicycle saftey" pep talk or to cheer on teams during our Sports Day Events.

While I'm at it; I have never seen anyone pulled over, ever. I have never seen a speed trap. In fact, rarely do I ever see police cars. Everyone is just nice to one another. Police are in the city to direct traffic in and out of the new mall, help old ladies cross the street, and get cats out of trees.

You can leave your wallet on a train and it will be at the next station, unmolested... sometimes with a note attached from the person who found it expressing his wishes that you recover this most important item (This actually happened to Maia, complete with the cute note).

It'll be rather jarring to get back to an American city...

But I guess I'll worry about that later, a stranger just said "hi" to me out of the blue. :)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

"There are no dryers, we hang our laundry out to dry outside our houses."

Actually, most of Japan does not have dryers... Wierd.

I would love to live there... If I understood more Japanese.

3:35 AM  

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