Saturday, September 08, 2007

Things that go whifft in the night...

One of those things would be the hurricane.

I guess it was bad, a person died in Tokyo from it, and power was cut through various burroughs... but out here... the eye passed about 20 kilometers to our West...

Frankly... well... I barely noticed it.

Now, I grant that I was banding and huddling, and thus I wasn't exactly coming in direct contact with the storm, but I expected a lot more than a gust of wind blowing water on my window every five or so minutes...

To be fair, Maia observed while getting into a car with a fellow teacher Friday morning that in the 3 seconds it took to get into the car, she was soaked, the inside of the car was soaked and the other teacher was soaked... So it wasn't a walk in the park.

But I listed to an internet radio station all night... I didn't even lose the stream.

My friend Mr. Woods (Formerly Mr. Second Year English... he's now First year english... so I've given him a new nickname... Woods... as in "Tiger")... Anyway, he and I were talking about it today,

"Well," He said, "Kanto (The flatlands around Tokyo is called the "Kanto Plain", it encompasses 5 prefectures to some degree) is very flat, with very little in the way of mountains or rivers or ocean. By the time the storm got up here (To the northern part of the Kanto plain), it had lost a lot of energy... We rarely see very large storms."


---Fotow Survivor... ish


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