Out of the mouths of... well... okay my kids
Every so often I mark papers. It's part of my job, I sit down, look over 150 papers, correct the errors with my red pen, write "Good Job!" and then give them back to the teacher... well, it's part of my job...
But I do run across some interesting things:
"I think to lurn English to we."
I actually wrote: "I really don't know what you are saying here..."
"(MyTown) is the city where a lot of green is wonderful"
I just couldn't explain that one to my teachers... it's correct... but... woah...
"Because delicious kimchee wants to eat."
I tell you, the food here is a little scary...
But the best one came today... I photocopied it because... well... I... um...:

I started laughing and laughing... and tears started streaming down my face... then I realized... I can't even begin to explain why this is hysterical... My teacher, hoping to find the same humor, read it and just simply didn't get it...
She had even written "Team Members" on the board... that just adds to the pricelessness of it all.
---Still laughing
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