I remember sleep
Okay, Kai is now 1 month old... he poops regularly, he has acne like any good infant should...
He starts at about 10PM crying and doesn't let up until 4AM...
At first I thought he had colic... now I'm thinking he might not, his parents are slightly clueless... We didn't catch on about the diaper thing until recently (Yes, it is entirely plausable that he wet a diaper and then 5 minutes later wet ANOTHER one- Oddly enough, this is something we must learn)....
and burping... even breast-feeding, Kai does indeed need to burp and 30 seconds of light tapping on Kai's back may not actually solve the problem...
Yes, we need to learn that.
So, in all the advice that we got (Hahaha... get used to not sleeping! Hahaha Get used to dirty diapers... etc), this was advice that we coulda used...
Thus begins the new life for this Blog; Kai's life. Someday... not as far down the line as you might think, I'm hoping Kai will be posting here.
For now, it's Daddy's turn.
This is Kai at one month: healthy, not yet happy (He's alternating from "Content" to "Lobster-Baby-Mad" and not much else), but stable :)
And... he's ticklish... a little. :)
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