Sunday, December 18, 2005

Missunderstanding Part 2

So... with the first post firmly replied to, I'll go on ahead and explain my position;

I think this is an excuse.

For men, it's an excuse to not try to follow the reasoning of their partner/friend. "First, she told me she wanted to go out, then she told me she didn't... she can't make up her mind... but that's because she's female."

Or it could be a number of other factors, peer pressure (Men don't suffer from that?), Impulsive decision making on her part to agree to go out in the first place (Men are there too...), or, perhaps he did something stupid to make her change her mind and now she doesn't want to hurt his feelings. These are not incomprehensible concepts. It all boils down to one, single, thought:


Which is where the female side uses it as an excuse:

I have heard women go rounds with themselves trying to reconcile how they are going to express to a man their feelings... and in the end, decide to simply make a "Crazy Ivan" and baffle them under the grounds of "I'm a woman". Hoping that will cover any other strangeness that occurs later on.

Why do we do this to ourselves?

We are all here for a duration of time... sometimes short, sometimes long... but in both cases, the duration is much shorter than we would like. Why waste it confusing and befuddling the opposite sex? Especially when they are such lovely, important parts of our lives.


Wednesday, December 14, 2005


I have heard it again today: "We'll never understand her, she's female."


That statement ranks up there with some of my favorites, like "Don't worry about what women think about, they don't do it often..."


I never understood misunderstanding women based solely on their sex. I, generally, have an equal number of female friends as I do male friends. I also seem to have an equal amount of difficulty or ease communicating with both sexes and have never experienced a slant toward one sex or the other.

So, why do some men have such issues with women?

For today, this is a ponderable. I'll post my theory just a little later, as I seem to be having serious issues forming words tonight.

But it is something to ponder.
