Saturday, July 11, 2009

One adventure completed...

...Another one just beginning.

This is Mirai/Kai Davis. 8 weeks 3 days along. Heartrate is 172BPM length is about 2CM long.

The duedate is February 19th 2010.


Friday, July 10, 2009

About visiting people in Denver...

I didn't actually get to post this: For those of you we missed while we were in Denver:

We wanted to see all of you! But there were some very annoying factors:

We didn't rent a car; we rented a moving truck which got 2 gallons to the mile and had some alarming penalties if we went over our allotted milage... Besides it was a beast to drive...

We were only there for three days and had to clean out our stuff from 4 locations... and go to Jessica's graduation (Did I mention that little Jess... Jessinator... NADER-CHAN graduated?!?!? From High School!??!?!?!?).

We were staying at James' apartment... but without James (He got deployed), so we didn't want to trash his place with a party or what-not.

But most important: I was very swamped with moving back and getting everything organized. I simply dropped the ball and failed to organize a party. That's the real thing. It ended up being a slapped-together thing. But that wasn't a "I don't love you" thing! Honest!!!


We are coming back for the convention in September. We want to see everyone at that time! :D We'll plan it so we are there longer than just the convention so we CAN see everyone. Anyway, I hope that makes up for the not-seeing-folks-because-we-are-doofi problem :D


On a side note:

Mal, I think you are absoluetly right about remembering how different the world is in Japan and here. It's a good idea: I wrote a lot of this down in my memories file in order that I won't forget :D

Visiting important places

It only took me a month before I could find time to visit the Johnson Space Center. But with us came our friend Masa, whom is the father of one of Maia's students.

Masa lives in MaiaTown, (well, OldMaiaTown), and every Saturday Maia went to teach Masa's 4 year old and a cluster of other girls ranging from 2 years to 10 years English disguised as an Art class (the older girls were already tired of English, so they had to be tricked into it).

Masa's English is excellent, he works for an American company (In their Japanese branch), and therefore he often comes to the States to do work.

Ironically, the HQ of his company is in Dallas.

So, it turned out that just after we came back, he came over for a business meeting. He drove down from Dallas and we went to JSC.

It was surreal; just before we left Japan Masa, his wife and daughter, Maia and I went on a little trip to Fukashima Prefecture to visit a beautiful cave... and here we were in Houston on the tram tour in Mission Control...

I might add that both Masa and his daughter are fans of the space program (As in: We didn't abuse him by choosing this location).

How wierd, though... two worlds apart, Fukashima and Houston... yet within months we are in both places... the same people (Well, almost the same people), but in a totally different location.