Wednesday, May 06, 2009

And this is it...

The last post from Japan.

In the last three years I have made amazing friends, known fascinating kids, seen incredible things and eaten squid.

At 5 this Wednesday afternoon, Maia and I will get on a plane and come home... we stop in Seattle, Denver and then, finally, in Houston.

We arrive in Houston Wednesday night at 8:30... all of 3 hours after we leave today. It will be the longest 3 and a half hours of my life.

On the plus side; I'm on a 777 for the first time in my life. Boeing's newest aircraft... I've been waiting to get a ride on that one for a long time... well for a decade or so, anyway...

I also haven't stepped foot on US soil since March of 2006... I'm in for culture shock... maybe not a lot, but some.

Anyway, I guess I have something new to blog about; reintegrating into American society...

And hey! Star Trek opens Friday! :D

