Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A thought

I have been thinking;

It seems we humans come in two flavors: the Dreamers, and the Guardians.

The Guardians use their wisdom to help society. Tempering the Dreamers by remembering the past.

The Dreamers use their dreams to push society forward, evolving it and shaping it.

The drawback to the Guardians is that sometimes they let fear control them and they get too stuck in keeping things the same or safe.

The drawback to the Dreamers is that sometimes they are unrealistic about their goals.

When the Guardians get too strong in our society, we stagnate. When the Dreamers get too much control, we overextend.

Usually, like a pendulum under ever increasing force, the Dreamers and the Guardians pull against each other until something breaks.

It's not wrong or right, no more than it is wrong or right for a river to flow downstream. It is the nature of Man.

I wonder if that is what has happened to the followers of Jehovah over and over again; after 1000 years, the Judaic religion came to a crossroads. The Dreamers pulled against the Guardians, the Guardians held firm. The Dreamers left. That was when Christianity was born. 1000 years later the Christians came to the same crossroads; the Guardians held firm, the Dreamers left and Islam was born.

It's been 1000 years, and the Guardians of Islam are starting to hold firm.

I wonder what the Islamic Dreamers are making?
