Watch this space...
So, I've been informed from a number of sources, that people are reading my blog. :)
Well, people other than my favorite Doctor, whom I know reads my blog :)
So many things are happening in my life right now it's kinda hard to even really assemble the thoughts for it.
But, my son is very mobile inside Maia, rumbling about and making her belly bump and roil in a way that is both fascinating and a little alien-looking. But, I think our little bundle of alien won't stop being an alien until he's, like, 20...
We all binge clothes-bought, between Dad, my step-mom, Maia and I... we have ensured that the child will not be naked...
Also, the Ares 1-X mission is launching today. :)
Okay, there is a big thing I want to post about, but I need to assemble it first. More later.
Labels: Personal chatter