So I went to see 300 on it's opening weekend here (Japan is strange, Spiderman 3 opened here before it did in America by a day, Pirates 3 opened at the same time, and 300 opened, like a year later... not really, but it seems like it did...) And I have a few thoughts:
1, the rhinoceros sucked... I could do better animation in my sleep, I was very disappointed. It looked like it weighed about 5 pounds and had the mass of a feather...
Okay, that said, I loved this movie!
But I noticed something interesting.
I really felt the sex scene between Leonaidous (Forgive me, Nick... The spellings were all in Japanese... thus I have no clue how his name is supposed to be spelled) and his wife, the queen was... (Gasp), out of place.
I was thinking about it as I watched it... was I growing old? Was this some sign of impending conservitism? Was I about to sign up for the Republican party?!?
Then I thought about the Oricle scene... packed with nudity and sexuality, I loved that scene... so maybe I'm not turning prudish...
So why was this scene out of place for me?
I thought about it in a different way, replacing one function of the body with another, say... eating:
Leo: What should I do? I can't defy the plot or anything like that? I'm going to have to generate my own plotline!
Wife (Gloriously naked in the moonlight in an incredible visual that, I'd like to add, proves that a woman need not be powerless simply because she is unclothed): Choose Sparta! Be a Spartan! Choose Freedom!
Then, Leo took the watermelon into his hands... gently his mouth caressed the skin of the melon, juices from the melon dripped down his chin, dropping in great lines on the floor.
Seeds dripped from the flesh as he slowly chewed the fruit. Rivulets of water, loosed from it's fruity bonds, cascading as a waterfall to the floor.
He looked lovingly at the mellon, eating it from one direction, then another, and then yet another until the melon was well and truly exhausted of it's red flesh.
All for Sparta...
Yeah... that's sorta how that one scene felt to me... it was beautiful, as the examination of the enjoyment of a watermelon could be in the hands of a genius.... but it made no sense in the frame of the scene...
But my goodness was that a beautiful movie! :D